What to do if there is some Missing or shortage on my shipment?

1 min. readlast update: 11.07.2023

  Addressing Shortages or Missing Items in Your Shipment

If you encounter any discrepancies in your shipment, such as missing items or a shortage, prompt action is crucial. Here’s how to efficiently handle the situation:

  1. Prompt Inspection: Upon delivery, allocate time within the first three business days to thoroughly count and inspect all items. This timely check is essential for a swift resolution.
  2. Initiate the Claim: Don't delay—start the claim process immediately if you discover any issues. For a streamlined experience, visit our claims page directly at US Door & More Claims Support.
  3. Detail the Discrepancy: When reporting the issue, clarity is key. Specify exactly what is missing or in short supply, so we can expedite the process of rectifying the order.

For more detailed information on our shipping policies and how to navigate them, please explore our shipping information page at US Door & More Shipping Information.

By following these steps, you can help ensure a quick and effective resolution to any shipping concerns.

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