Determining the door swing direction can be done by observing the way the door opens and the location of the handle and hinges. The door handing/swing refers to the direction in which the door opens.
When viewing the door from the outside, whether it be from the exterior of the home or outside of the room, there are four different types of door swings to consider: Left Hand Inswing, Right Hand Inswing, Left Hand Outswing, and Right Hand Outswing.
- A Left Hand Inswing door is one in which the door is pushed inward to the left. In this case, the handle will be located on the right hand side and the hinges will be on the left hand side.
- A Right Hand Inswing door is one in which the door is pushed inward to the right. In this case, the handle will be located on the left hand side and the hinges will be on the right hand side.
- A Left Hand Outswing door is one in which the door is pulled outward to the left. In this case, the handle will be located on the right hand side and the hinges will be on the left hand side.
- A Right Hand Outswing door is one in which the door is pulled outward to the right. In this case, the handle will be located on the left hand side and the hinges will be on the right hand side.
By paying attention to the direction in which the door opens and the location of the handle and hinges, one can easily determine the door swing direction.
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